Bulletin for February 3, 2016
Posted by Susan Smith
on Feb 02, 2016
Hello Everyone,
Last Week: We had a very entertaining presentation by Charlie Burger, Chief of the Great Barrington Fire Department.
Crissey Farm: For those members who pay for their lunch with a check, Gary has asked that checks be made payable to “The Brewery,” rather than to Crissey Farm.
Breaking Bread: As reported last week, Rotary's date for Breaking Bread is March 10th. Oskar Hallig is leading this one up and doing the main dish. Jessica Spear Holmes has prepared a Sign Up Genius for the dinner. The link is as follows: http://www.signupgenius.com/ go/30e0d48aaa629abf49- breaking2. Our next date will be May 5th. If you are able to lead the team for that date, please contact Oskar at oskar@onlyinmydreamsevents.com . As soon as we get the updated schedule for the entire year, I will share that information with the Club.
Rotary After Hours: Jess Krupski is organizing a social hour for the Club on Thursday, March 16th at Castle Street. We hope you can stop by for a drink and a few laughs.
People’s Pantry: Peanut Butter - We are down to 6 cards. Increase your odds of winning, and bring some peanut butter to the meeting!
From the Foundation:
ROTARY DIRECT TESTIMONIAL FROM TERRY ZIEGLER IN 2014 “I received my Gift Acknowledgement from Rotary International today recognizing the contributions I made on a credit card through Rotary Direct in 2013. This is one more reason to give by Rotary Direct - you get one Gift Statement at the end of the year rather than each time you mail a check. That's in addition to the fact that it's automatic, it's easy - no checks to mail, no stamp cost (going up soon), and the fact that Rotary has determined that it costs them less to process contributions from credit cards than checks due to the low rate they pay, the rebate they receive from Visa ($ millions currently going to PolioPlus) and the labor required to process large numbers of checks.”