As part of its support of the Watson Fund, our Club has assisted CHP, the screening organization, in enrolling individuals and families to receive the food and clothing certificates provided by the Watson Fund. Over $22,000.00 in assistance will be distributed this year. We had a great response from our members the last time we were asked to assist. All who participated enjoyed it and found the experience very rewarding. It is only a two or three hour commitment. Please contact Ray Murray if you can help.  Thank you for your consideration.
Help will be needed at CHP 442 Stockbridge Rd, Gt Barrington for the following shifts:

Friday, November 2nd, 1:00-3:00pm    Indoor with Dorothy Health 1 to 2 people
Tuesday, November 6th, 11:00am - 1:00pm  During the mobile food bank distribution (dress warm, outside) 3 people
Friday, November 9th, 1:00-3:00pm    Indoor with Dorothy Health 1 to 2 people