Posted by George Raymond
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
The first Wednesday of October, the third, is on its way.  The item choice is Cereal.  In the grocery store you will find a huge variety of brands, sizes, and prices.  Think about purchases of $10-$15 or more.   Remember also that cash donations (currency or checks) are welcome and very important.  Make your check payable to "People's Pantry" and please give it to me at Wednesday's meeting.
We are no longer having weekly food collection drives.  So once you have made your donation, of food or cash, you are done for October!
The Pantry must either buy the food it distributes or have it donated. Either way, it is entirely dependant on the local community for support.  The Pantry has no employees so virtually every dollar donated is designated for purchase of food.
As for community support, the People's Pantry is a natural activity for Rotary. It fits right in to our program.
If you are not able to attend the October 3 meeting, bring your donation of food or cash to the following meeting.  There are five Wednesdays in October.  THE NEED IS GREAT!
See you on the third.